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By typing C-c C-f, you get a search prompt. You can search for (a combination of) several things:

  • pattern – searches for theorems whose expressions match the given pattern.
  • intro – searches for theorems which can be applied with rule, i.e. that fit the current goal.
  • dest – searches for theorems which can be applied with drule, i.e. whose major premise fits one of the assumptions.
  • elim – searches for theorems which can be applied with erule
  • name: ident – searches for theorems that include ident in their name
  • -name: ident – searches for theorems that do not include ident in their name


Given the goal

  length (l1 @ l2) = length l1 + length l2

searching for “_ @ _” and intro each yield a list of theorems that fit. Combining both, i.e. searching for “_ @ _” intro, yields exactly the theorem wanted.

reference/theorem_search.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/29 12:50 by